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Add filter by product name and repair the search by entity name on the project on Symfony

There is a small service written in Symfony 4.1 for internal needs. Several types of entities have been created in it: product parameters, product, product manufacturer, product batch.

1. The batch of the product has a number of fields that are formed from other entities. Each batch has a unique number and name that is taken from the name of the entity Product. At the moment, visually there is a search bar by batch number and product name, but the search does not work. At the same time, if you just click on the "Find" button without entering any data, then a page with search results for all batches is formed. It is necessary to find out what is the reason for the not working search by number and name and correct.

2. On the page with the output of the list of products, make a filter by name, which will sort the output of the list of products by the first three characters. That is, typing the first three letters of the product name below displays a list with matches.

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25.08.2021 11:02

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