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A small accounting system applications

you want to develop a small mini-system for processing of requests.

There is a table of orders. Every application has:
1. Unique ID
2. Account number
3. The status of the application
4. The phone number of the customer
5. E-mail customer

There is a table of statuses of the application. Each status has:
1. ID
2. Name

Objective: to develop a small mini-system authorization, after authorization, a user would have the following features:

1. To change your password
2. To create a new application by filling in the ID, account number, telephone number, E-mail
3. To edit an application
4. To change the status of the application
6. Selection of applications by status

If the visitor selects a certain (one) the status of the application, an E-mail letter arrives

Administrator is a user who can add, delete and edit the password of other users.

IMPORTANT: When you click on a particular link, the url which was inserted an account number, it is necessary to output the status of this request. About security do not think. That is, any site visitor can view the status of any application, listing the account numbers

Please indicate the value of such work and timing
16.03.2016 12:32

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