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Add a button to your site

Site on bitrix platform
You need to add a button to the site, when you click on the button on the right, a menu with text opens (like when you click on the button ,,what is included in the price,,)

Opening text:
1. Individual discounts when signing the contract (start of construction no later than April 15, 2023)
2. Discount on individual design 500 rubles / m2 = > 400 rubles / m2 (until November 30)
3. The cost of a standard and individual project as a gift when ordering construction

Construction in winter

The cost of materials, works, equipment is lower
Good brigades are free
Discounts on construction from companies due to a decrease in demand
Terms of delivery of materials are shorter (there are no queues and overloading of plants as in season)
Good access roads
You win 5 months in the deadlines for the delivery of the house (November - March is not the season)
Additional costs (heating of concrete, antifreeze additives, etc.)
Not all types of work can be performed qualitatively at negative temperatures
Daily output of brigades below (weather, daylight hours)
Construction time longer
The quality of construction meets the standards, but it is lower than when building in the season
It is possible to build in winter, subject to compliance with the construction technology in winter. The total cost of construction, taking into account all factors, is lower

Tel: Х-ХХХХ-ХХХХХХХ Get advice on construction in winter

After the work is done, the design should not suffer, the button should look normal on all adaptives, it should also work correctly on all devices

09.11.2022 16:15

 Answers freelancers