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Add voting functionality on WP

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The function of voting for projects. (there is no such entity on the site yet)

Projects have

Filed under:

HEALTH and equality of opportunity and transport technology design technologylegendar aircraft

Age category:

6-10 years11-13 years14-18 years

Project - a separate page in a separate taxonom on the basis of post type


one-time for the user in each category (without registration, perhaps on cookies), discuss the possibility of sharing in the social network (probably from the page of the project itself)


cards following the example of with the addition of buttons "PASS" (go to the project) and the number of voters (statistics)in the display of the spsic of cards should be provided the possibility of the date of relevance (e.g. cards show from 01/01/2020)

Voting example: https://xn----etbdra6aacodma.xn--p1ai/

28.09.2020 15:22

 Answers freelancers