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Bitrix fix errors exchange with 1C on the side of the website

Hello! After a failure in the operation of the site and restore it from Backup, there was errors in the exchange with 1C.
Backup apparently, was broken. At the time of recovery through restore.php an error, deployed on the server.

1C 10.3 UT
1C unloaded products and counterparties.

During the exchange when uploading multiple xml files appear the following error:

An error occurred on the server side. Received unknown status of the import.

Server response:

MySQL Query Error: UPDATE b_xml_tree_import_1c SET RIGHT_MARGIN = 7041 WHERE ID = 3518[[1146] Table db_название.b_xml_tree_import_1c doesnt exist]

Googled this topic and looked for the overlay to exchange. Ran full force, disabling the exchange of changes.
Of RAM and free disk space should be enough.

You must identify and eliminate the cause.

Who had to deal with it, respond, please!
03.04.2020 11:20

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