Bot for booking seats on the site
I need a sensible developer, because not everyone can implement it, there were already 2 developers before that, although the site is quite simple visually.
If you can quickly and efficiently perform the work, 2 more projects will be offered.
Need a bot to control via TG
He must quickly grab enough space and constantly monitor them.
In addition, the board must be able to send notifications about the availability of new seats
Algorithm Bot
goes to the siteadit captcha selects the desired country (lets say Malta) selects the city (it is usually one of the drop-down list)enters a certain client barcode that will be entered in the telegramif sees Avialable (free space) click fills out the form, put a tick a non-resident or resident, pass the second captcha8 after the chat should receive a notification of a successful recording with a pdf file that the site gives, when recording
IMPORTANT Bot should be able to take places in the right interval, which will be
set in TG (for example, June 10 – September 30), or 5 days from the current date - to the date
Well, it is important to work in several streams, if there will be several clients on
this city and country.
TK in hp I will direct
Important: stay in touch
Ready to pay a monthly fee for bot maintenance by agreement
23.07.2022 16:50