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Changes therefore

The website must make a number of edits:

1. in the filter need to get two parameters constant (not via the attributes

- item availability/out of stock . taken from the field

- goods at a discount (filters on the category page all products with discount)

2. action. a multicurrency module. set up cost into the main price, it at the rate of calculates and shows in local currency. BUT. When you add alonna price , and then the rate changes, the price changes at the rate of only the main and the promo does not change. a must

3. if we in any category in the filter put a check on any parameter, then I want to change language or currency, then throws us into a category, thus relieve our choice.

4. can bread crumbs be done on the socket ?

look at the socket how are bread crumbs if the filter or search applied in the extreme the path is appended to the manufacturer and back the breadcrumbs to return to the previously selected filter categories.

5. in some categories you need to take a step add to cart 5

05.05.2020 12:59

 Answers freelancers