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Completion CRM on CodeIgniter

There PerfexCRM ( is built on CodeIgniter.

Provided hosting with the expanded on it a copy of the system.
A final budget according to the results of approval of the TOR. Possible W/o payment.

Initial tasks:
1. Change authorization logic in the client area.
System identificeret user clients via e-mail. But. The same contact can appear as representative of the several legal. entities. to Produce the same people with different e-mail is not an option.
- to make authorization in the client part of the schema username/password, but without reference to e-mail
- add the ability to add the same contact persons to different legal. persons.

2. The creation of templates, check-lists just a few items to quickly add tasks.
3. Generation of printed forms of invoices for payment in the form of Russia.
4. The creation of the document "certificate of completion" and the generation of printing forms on the model of the company.

Further study (from us) logic cross-reference and filter between the sections "Projects", "Contracts", "Invoices". With the implementation (from you).

17.03.2020 12:06

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