Completion of the site on Wordpress
Need to modify ready wordpress site on any of the items described below:
1) you need to translate the theme using polylang plugin or another language will be only a Rus
2) is a form of order without online payment (in vukomeric to exclude this feature), just let the orders come in admin area and all (as it is now)
3) add plugin for new mail to work the goods through him, and to set to be able to choose which Department and address to deliver
4) from the website, fill the goods to us in the database, without parsing and automatic updates
5) still need to do, so that we can in% increase or decrease in the price, either for one or for a group of products? In the settings of Woocomerce
The applications include examples of work
In the beginning of the message write the word "antispam" if you read the job
07.04.2020 09:57