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Connect the bank payment module to cms DLE 14.x

Payment gateway - bank with ready modules under WP and other engines.
The principle of work is very simple, through the certificate is sent and accepted request.

We have cms DLE 14 versions. Collected for an online store.
If youve worked with an engine, you know what a "dope field" is.
So, we have an additional "Pay online" type (Yes/No). When you publish, if you do "Yes" then this payment gateway must work and display a link to the payment, the person is transferred to the page where he enters the card details and pays.
Then, we on the site must receive the answer "Paid" or "Unpaid" (to withdraw to the buyer).
And display the shopping history on the profile page.
(In response, write the word "MORE before your text")
Everything is very simple and clear for the person who understands.

Write your cart for communication.
18.03.2021 20:57

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