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Customize, refine the site on Wordpress and transfer to hosting

The current site on the Kadence WP theme. Hosting the current site on the
I decided to change the theme to WoodMart.
On the current site I changed the topics several times, there wordpress is probably already stuck. It was recommended to deploy a new site on the locale and configure it, after transferring it to the hosting.
The test site fulu.test/ on the WoodMart theme was deployed locally on my computer using the Laragon application, here is a link to the folder of the test site ..., all I could - I did it myself, not a web developer.
The test site needs to be finished and deployed to a clean hosting. If necessary, you can change the provider.
You do not need to develop a unique design, as it is on the test - it will do. If you think that something needs to be done in terms of design - tell, we will discuss.
I didnt do much about the current site, including nothing in terms of SEO. The main flow of customers comes from Avita. Now I have opened an IP. The site needs to be put in order, connect the reception of payments, connect to marketplaces.
For more information on the tasks, see the attached file.
It is advisable that you have experience with WoodMart.
05.10.2022 21:22

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