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Develop a script that generates and sends a report (PHP Laravel)

Create a script that generates and sends a report.

Report template:
Data to take from the database and on api from another service.

There are the following variables (get) when you start the script:
client_id -> of the ID of the client from the database on which to display the report
count -> number of days in the past from todays date on which to display the data in the report
from_date -> date from which to display the data in the report
to_date -> date by which the data is displayed in the report
send -> the team to send links to each customers report in text messages on the numbers listed in the database.

Examples of the script:
"r.php?client_id13404 -7" -> displays the customer report with ID 134 for the previous 7 days.
"r.php?client_ids from_date from 01.12.2020 to_date,31.12.2020" -> displays the customer report from ID 134 from 01.12.2020 to 31.12.2020.
"r.php?send"1-count-7" -> sends a link to the report by text to all customers who have phone numbers for text messages for the 7 previous days.
"r.php?send"s from_date 01.12.2020 , to_date,31.12.2020" -> sends a link to the report by text to all customers who have phone numbers for texting dates from 01.12.2020 to 31.12.2020
"r.php?client_id134send1count" -> sends a link to the report to the customer with ID 134, if he has a phone number for 7 previous days.

The text template is set in the script settings, where the right place is placed with a variable, "url" that is replaced by a link when sent.

The text is sent through the gateway and the API description will be provided.

The code should be well structured, commented on and downloaded to github
01.02.2021 11:07

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