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Developer PHP, to work with 1C-Bitrix, WordPress and CMS modules

Accompanying the Web Project, on Php, JavaScript, and MySl databases. We are looking for a developer guru or a team in the state.

The work is actually very easy, and if you just know php as Russian, that will be enough. The salary is paid on the 1st and 15th of the day (2 times a month).

Develop your own modules and components
Develop applications for the cloud and box version of Bitrix24.

What will be useful:
- Experience with 1C-Bitrix and WordPress products is a must
- Experience writing your own components and modules for 1C-Bitrix and WordPress or other CMS.
- Confident practical knowledge of PHP, JS, MySL
- Own HTML and CSS on enough for Frontend and Backend development.
Experience with GIT.

- Experience with any framework: symfony, laravel, yii2.
- Experience with queues or similar solutions.
Desire to work as a team
Experience with integration with various external services.
- Knowledge of Vue/Bootstrap.
Experience in highload projects

Remote work.

- Normalized work schedule 5/2 (Mon-Frin)
- 100,000 rubles per month

If you can design modules for market play, such as WordPress (WooCommerce) - we publish them with you, you just write and A/B testing on you too. One module, on average, is 400 lines of code, and there are examples on github, then we can work together.
26.12.2020 21:49

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