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Edits in CRM self-written old php

If you understand, there will be a lot of tasks for this project. Then CRM will need to be rewritten on the framework

1. Previously inserted in the column "task, call" time in the tables with "customers", Now you need time to insert into other tables with "apartments" And that sorting by column takes into account the time (do and in "clients")
2. Make it possible to enter photos from the desktop, with android and ios How to get there
3. In the "settings" enter the ability to disable "agents" these 3 buttons in "apartments" and "clients"

Please write right away
1. When you are ready to start.
2. How well you understand someone elses code.
3. What is the price of an hour of your work.
4. How to contact you.
21.09.2021 18:30

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