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Error correction liqpay samopisnom engine reservation

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On the website module is installed in-house ticketing, reservation form on page

Payment is made online via liqpay.

In test mode, liqpay, all is well, and when you put "combat" keys, payment takes place, but the booking is not recorded in a database and are notified by email.

What you need to do:

1. Make the correct payment setting in the operating (not test) mode liqpay confirmation via SMS.

2. To paid tickets recorded in the database and visible in admin panel on the Orders tab, and a List of passengers, like the rest of the reservation.

3. My e-mail notification to the administrator about the purchase and the customer with the ticket.

4. To insert on a page before proceeding to payment, the words that the customer will be additionally charged a fee of 2.75% of the payment amount.

I want to reiterate that everything works in test mode liqpay.

Immediately specify the price and terms.

Budget is small, without intermediaries!

06.06.2020 09:19

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