Experienced PHP MYSQL programmer for a permanent part time
Remote permanent part time, serious web Studio requires an experienced programmer with a good knowledge of:
required: PHP, MYSQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, DBSIMPLE, DBTREE, Smarty, AJAX, jQuery
Part time job. Vacancy 24 is NOT SUITABLE for STUDENTS.
What is the job:
1. Service, refinement, creation, improvement and maintenance of various Internet projects, running on different systems open source (osCommerce, Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, etc.).
2. Creating modules for own CMS. Their further improvement, setting and improvement. The introduction of modules in operation. Troubleshooting, bugs. Connection designs. The quality of care provided to CMS complete documentation for all functions and support the creators of the CMS in case of any questions. A comprehensive documentation on samples.
The order of hiring:
1. In completing the questionnaire ecom.org.il/anketa.rtf and send it to us along with Your resume by e-mail info(dog)expert-communication.net (IN your CV please include WHATSAPP, TELEGRAM, ICQ, EMAIL AND SKYPE FOR COMMUNICATION).
2. Interview with the General Manager via Skype 5-10 minutes.
3. Exam, 20 minutes. Verification of theoretical and practical knowledge of programming technology to program the tester.
Mandatory requirements (this is our vision of an ideal programmer, we are not looking for perfect, we are looking for normal and sane people):
1. Conflict-free, diligence.
2. Love for the programming enthusiast.
3. The desire and developed the ability to understand someone elses code.
4. Utmost care, intelligence, innovation, patience.
19.07.2020 12:25