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Finalize the form of booking tables in the restaurant WORDPRESS WOOCOMMERCE

Good afternoon!

A qualified PHP developer is required, at least a strong middle.

There is a form that interacts with this plugin -

The plugin itself has not been rewritten or modified.

The form accepts bookings based on the availability of tables in the database, sends to the payment gateway stripe. Using the form, the user can also change the reservation, or cancel.

It is an HTML form, with a set of AJAX functions, at each step of the form, requests are sent to the backend, for example, get free days, get free time, the data is sent to the JSON user, who makes a choice, and places an order. Next, he receives an email with information with links to change and cancel the reservation.

There is not much JS code, lines 150-200, form validation, and ajax requests themselves, GET and POST.

The form works, there are some points that need to be improved, and there are some nuances that need to be redone.

In stock, a test site, a task in text form with screenshots, 2 videos of 1 hour, with a description of how and what works, from the point of view of code, and from the point of view of admin panels, and what you need to see in the end.

Everything is done on functions, in several places there is an appeal to the classes of vukomers.

The task is broken down into steps and parts. You can do it piece by piece, evaluating each part separately.

The budget for the hour is conditional, offer.

07.06.2022 20:07

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