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Implement the integration of residues based on laravel

You need to implement a web service for domestic consumption, which allows you to synchronize the balances of goods between the account system (1C) and several online stores.

The first phase of development:
Update on the balances

1. Downloading/updating goods
Through the web interface is downloaded/updated through the import file (xlsx,csv):
nomenclature (Part of the item has the character of sets)the compositions of the sets are straightened by sets (about the rules a little later)2. Updates from the account system
The web service regularly requests balances from 1C (worked out and implemented by post request). Details of the balances come to the goods (not sets). The distribution service fills the residues on the sets. Previously downloaded distribution rules should indicate which class will be responsible for distribution. At the back-end level, classes are created that define different distribution logics for certain products

3. Updating leftovers in online stores
The web service regularly sends information about leftovers to different online stores. Each store has its own Api. Accordingly, there should be data exchange classes that convert and transmit information about the balances as the online store needs.

4. Operational reservation of balances on orders of online stores
By web hooks or regular requests, the web service receives orders from online stores, takes into account the goods ordered in them as a reserve and then reduces the balances in all stores by the number of reserved. Further, after changing the status of these orders, the "shipped" removes the reserve and reduces the balance by the number of units ordered. If you change the status of the order for "cancelled" - also removes the reserve but without writing off.

There are also the following stages of development, which, if successful, will also be ordered

We work only with the self-employed, PI or LLC. To pay for your services you will need to provide either a check (self-employed) or closing documents (PI and LLC)

Development on laravel. Be sure to git, tests, migration.
Please send your assessment of the work. discussed.

28.02.2021 19:34

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