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Import products from Excel to OpenCart

In the project name says it all. From the Excel file you want to import products in OpenCart. The subtlety is that in the file there is a column "product Name" in which randomly encounters a category name in which you will need to add a product, the product name, product detail. Feature will be added in the Options of the product. In the table of about 15000 products.

For example, in the Title column, can meet such a record:
The Audi strut rear left.
-ID – is the category.
-strut is the name of the product;
-rear left is option of goods.
Can meet any order of the words (stand left rear of the Audi, etc.).
The file structure cannot be changed because suppliers come in this form.

Mandatory requirements response freelancers:
1. Price.
2. Time.
3. Methods of implementation (slopes/the plug-in).
4. If you can do both, then the price for every variant of implementation.
16.03.2016 12:49

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