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Improvements on the site. 1C-Bitrix

Good time of day.

Lets start with the background: the site work was carried out by a third-party firm that did the work castelani and the work was accepted without the participation admiin. As a result - it is necessary dopilivat.

Your task is:
1) Add a loan calculator to the offers (the goods).
2) Add a field Awaiting delivery, there are many options, suggestions are welcomed implementation (the standard is/Is Not available)

3) Visualy mob. version. They work with html/php Maxy, I think.

You can select the item and the price/time on it, because consider the option of a partial execution.
With a good work there is a possibility that in the future there will be additional tasks. The main thing to work with.

07.07.2020 08:03

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