Integration on the website of the Bank payment system
You have a task to tie a payment system of Internet acquiring of the site on the Wordpress, it is somehow more tricky than just insert some code inside the html, but I cant do it. The Bank sent me only a pdf file c API, which describes the functions and json transmission format "AmeriaBank vPOS 3.0 API Protocol Description", I attached it here as a file .
Just to make it even easier, this may not be the wordpress engine and just any html file and scripts that can only run on our hosting, maybe there is an ip address necessary for our Bank.
The task such - that the html page was one single button "Donate" on which the customer clicks and translate us money into legitimate Bank account. I represent the charity. This topic/task is called the Bank acquiring, on the Internet and on habré a lot of writing about it, for my level it is difficult to do yourself.
Just our lazy Bank, by the way, here is his website , offers integration of the hands of their programmers, Bank change can not yet, and so we went to the fact that its free makes to its customers.
by the way, here is our website here it is necessary to integrate the payment system
briefly about the work
offer me for approval as it will visually look accept payments ( I have examples) to install wooComerce for Wordpress integrate it with the Banks API to make a test virtual payments then I will make at its own expense test the real work is done payments = payment currency must be everything that provides bancolat can be pochteca by pocatecni acceptanceat the moment I Bank issued the parameters of the test card so you can start to develop a gateway
ClientID: startime data user: data startupurl: data sartenaer cards: these cards startiterator: data startyear. date: стертыCVV data: data erasedand the Bank created test environment system VPOS AmeriaBank. Brief description of the integration system is attached. You can see the information at the following link:
I have not decided the question of the design and number of pages needed for the development of this gateway, and thought to resolve these issues with the freelancer
an example of the form of reception of payments can be found here from a competitor