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Make 2checkout integration with a wordpress site

There is a WordPress site. It is necessary to make a form for subscribing to a free trial using the 2checkout API.

In the 2checkout API there is an opportunity to make a subscription form directly on the site, without redirecting to their service. It is necessary to make such a form and subscribe to a free trial for this user.

Free trial is a special type of subscription, when the client enters his card and gets the opportunity to use the service for free for X days. After that, if he does not cancel the subscription, the monthly debit from his card begins.

It is necessary to make this integration in the form of a plugin for an existing wordpress site. This requires high code quality, the use of OOP, namesspaces, etc.

In the case of high-quality performance of this task, there are a number of tasks that need to be performed. All tasks are related to WordPress and PHP, so you need to have good programming experience for this CMS.

We work using GIT, experience with it is mandatory.

In the application, specify your assessment of the integration task by time and budget.
27.08.2022 19:38

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