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Make a parser

It is necessary to develop a parser that will collect information on the prices of goods from these sites: omega lipo 6 black Lipo-6 Black Hers (120 pieces) suggest_type-model Nutrex Lipo-6 Carnitine (120 pieces) &suggest=1&suggest_type=model

Adminka (to view prices):

Table with sorting and the following attributes: Product NameLink for goodsPrices for goods that are below or above a certain threshold should be marked in red. Status: the product is, failed to update the price of the product (parser will update in the next round), This product is removed from the site. At the same time, the next round of the parser will still add new positions.

Parser console (parser control)

The history of the last rounds of the site.

Other conditions

After each bypass, the parser rubs the data in the database.
08.12.2020 14:50

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