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Modification of the site on webasyst (shop-script)

1) Problems in the admin panel of the site:
-orders are not opened (information about the product or the client is not visible)
-access to Buyers is also not available (neither the list nor the information on the person is loaded)
2) In sections and Categories make a text twister with advertising words from semantics:
Enter manually, preferably a list with a separator.
Can be implemented as scrolling, but in the category admin panel there should be a field where these keys are specified (in a list text)
Some products display a lot of information in blocks, and many have no output and are empty,
therefore, we need to do something so that css can hide part of the card, if it is long but at the same time it is necessary to reduce the vertical size of the card, without losing the quality of the display.
4) Brands section. Additional work:
It is necessary
- make breadcrumbs as in the main catalog
- Make a link with cards to other brands. format, possibly a carousel, with random selection of 3 or 6 brands and block caching for 3 days
10.01.2022 21:21

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