Modification of the site, stack: php (laravel) mysql (MariaDB) redis, docker
Need to improve the backend on the site
Backend: php (laravel) mysql (MariaDB) redis, docker
Frontend: React
The site is hosted on an AWS server
Use github
Backend tasks:
1) allow the download of any type of file in your personal account (with sizes up to 200 MB), now only jpeg can be uploaded
2) add the user-buyer and attach to it the data of 4 parameters, the purchased file, the date of purchase, the contract file, the purchase price (create an end-point for the front).
By cost - it is optimal to call your rate per hour.
Final cost by agreement, after familiarization with the project and code
If you can still set up the ability to run on the digitalocean app platform, it will be cool
01.12.2022 18:02