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Modifications on OpenCart 2

1. On the main print blocks
a) New
b) special Offers
b) Ideas for for a gift

The functionality of each block is the same, changing only the names in the header. You need to have the opportunity to celebrate twowere involved in the issuance of any of the blocks. If the goods were more than can be displayed in a block, randomly picked out install issue when the page is loaded from the number noted for displaying goods.

2. Need to be able to make the category names, using non-breaking space between some words (you need to configure the correct transfer of items in the main menu).

3. You need to remove compare products and wishlist.

4. To register a domain in the config, the icons normally appear.

The time, money?

PS. If you place the order, specify the time and the money to not have to ask again. Thank you.
16.03.2016 12:35

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