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Need a designer to the team full time.

Good day, dear designers.

Looking for a team of one designer to perform some task.


Work remote.To be constantly connected.Full day (8 hours). If you wish, You can work more. The additional time is paid.POS from $ 300 per month (depends on candidate).


You will meet the objectives of the chief designer (drawing of individual elements of the site, design pages, etc.). Basically, all the tasks will be on web design. To be in touch on Skype, viber, email. Not to disappear.

Additional information: the work and tasks are interesting, there is an opportunity to prove themselves. The prospect of personal growth and financial. Your team-oriented companion. Definitely portfolio (no matter how many works) so I can assess the initial level of the candidate.

More detailed information after Your bet, in personal correspondence.

Thanks to all who expressed interest.

16.03.2016 12:41

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