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Need a developer of ERP system, knowledge of Yii2 is a must!

REMOTELY! Permanent project 5/2 schedule! Developer of ERP system. Knowledge of Yii 2 and PHP 7!
Development of new functionality for ERP system to manage taxis on the framework, Yii 2 and PHP 7
To perform tasks in the internal project of the company on the basis set TK, to modify the current tasks, to test.
Interact with the lead programmer.

The level of income discussing.
Currently looking for a specialist for permanent project 5/2 schedule, work REMOTELY!

Attention!!! For this position provided by the test task. Proposals will be considered only after completing it.
Test task:
To write simple functionality with to-do list (To Do List) using the Yii2 framework and PostgreSQL. You must implement a list of tasks, adding, editing, deleting, and setting the flag to "completed". The task must have fields: title, description, due date, priority (low, medium, high).

The answer can be send on mail:
If you have any questions ready to answer: Skype: login nadilik, whatsapp – 8 904 5518378
19.07.2020 12:29

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