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Need a program for deleting duplicates.

the Program is designed for deleting duplicates and clones, as well as of word combinations-collocations duplicates and clones.
The difference between "duplicate" and "clone":
duplicates that are completely identical words/phrases, for example:
Bank, Bank – two words-duplicate
Bank, banks – two words-clone, the only difference is the endings.
Similarly and phrases.
The program works and operates with words/phrases using based on the program mystem (read more, was developed by company Yandex. A more detailed description of the program see attachment. Interested in price and terms.

Can be considered offers performers the option of payment after verification of the program. We are not against different kinds of defenses program until the introduction of our payment. Protection options ready to discuss. Suggestions write to the PM.
16.03.2016 12:15

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