Need to finalize the store site to create functions
1)like the product(the favourite) and statistics
2)make a news feed in the panel account
3)top accounts
4)the gallery of the product(on the product page)
5)category of goods and podkategorie
6)comments to the product
7)send message to users (the ability to send each other a message)
8)subscription to your account
9)authorization social networks(facebook)
10)to integrate page(html layout) to another page(on the website) 10 pages(home,products..)
11)label tags(Graphic Designer..) while registering and when you add an item (Css,psd..)
12)add a preloader(already have mount)
13)notifications(already have mount)
14)a product filter(by price)
15)connect the slider to each item(already have mount)
16)to connect payment gateways (already have mount)
17)put the goods to the control panel account