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OpenCart: fix the bug and improve function

There is a site:

It is a one-page online catalog.



1. To customize the appearance of pages and links to them from the General list

Now when you hover over the item in the list have all goods this link: for SEO purposes it is necessary that each product had its own page and in the list items directly refer to the individual pages. However, for the convenience of the visitor - the item card needs to open like now, in the pop-up, without reloading the page and when you close the card the position of the scroll the General list must remain in the same place as before open the item card (which would be every time not to look for the page position where you switched to card).

The item card must be available for a direct link (not only through the General list). When you open the page of a particular product for a direct link, should open the product card with the same design, as if we opened it from the General list in the pop-up, except that in the beginning of the pop-up when PC you need to add a static global menu: When you click on the x (close pop-up when PC) - it should redirect to the main page (General list of goods) with an anchor on the collection to which the product belongs (example:

If the individual product pages set SEO url in the General list should display it.

An example of how this is implemented on another site:

2. Fix error when sending events to google Analytics

There are two events, submitting forms, one of them is not called at all, and the second is called when it should be called first. This happens because the programmer made a mistake in the code. Google Analytics configured and installed, events are set up and the javascript codes will be provided. Just need to adjust the call to the correct events at the right time.

3. To upload changes to a public domain.


OpenCart Version -

Looking for an experienced developer who at least five projects on OpenCart. If you are able to adaptively impose and you know javascript it will be a big plus in case of further cooperation on the project. In the application, please indicate your best work on the basis of OC.

Possible long-term cooperation, because the project needs to make regular changes.

In the order specify the code: 10909.

09.07.2020 11:06

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