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Parsing given from the site in Excel

There are lists of Companies of Russia for each OCVED (type of activity) on the site "ru/spro file" (if Googled, the first to issue it). It is necessary that in several such lists (lists usually - a few pages mean that for each of the separate list I need OKVED) the bot alternately opened the page of each of the companies and transferred from it to Excel information in the following (approximate) columns: the name (e.g., "Horn and Experience" LLC from the top of the page), the city, the address, the link to the companys page on this site, INN, the volume of revenue in 2019.

I will present a detailed TK in personal correspondence. Parsing is a one-time difference if the difference in price with reusable will be significant.

11.02.2021 12:54

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