PHP programmer for automation of custom B2C systems (remote)
Require PHP programmers to work remotely on our own B2C system: retail products worldwide, automation of data processing, statistics, integration of payment providers, high load.
Used technologies: PHP frameworks like Laravel Yii2, 7.4 PHP, MongoDB, Redis, AWS, Git.
Great attention is paid to the quality of the code, optimization for high loads, fault tolerance and accuracy of the resulting data.
Requirements for the programmer: a middle or senior level, a desire to understand the tasks and accurately perform their work, attention to details, responsibility, ability to work in fast cycle development, the opportunity to work full time (8 hours a day, from 11:00 to 17:00 GMT 3 to be available online), to be ready for an urgent fix critical errors in production, to be friendly and able to work in a team.
The management team of the company are English speaking, tasks in English, so knowledge of the English language at least at the level of reading required. The team of Department of development of small (10 people), in the majority Russian-speaking.
A good level of remuneration, a periodic salary increase and bonuses for performance.
19.03.2020 10:51