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PHP programmer remotely (Yii 2)

Hello, colleagues!

There are projects, mainly on Yii 2, which do not have time to refine on their own.
In this regard, we are looking for a person for a permanent job.

So far, we are considering job seekers for part-time work (4 hours a day). If we work together, in a month we are ready to switch to a fulltime.

Please write the technologies you own in addition to Yii 2. Perhaps we will try a full-time cooperation at once.

There are 2-3 projects that need to be dealt with constantly:
- Personal offices for a network of sales companies
- The system of parsing of state sites. With anti-cameras, transcripts, thats it. Saas.
- The intranet system of paperwork. Saas.

Thank you!
08.03.2021 11:41

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