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PHP programmer to develop And store

Need a programmer to update the Internet engine shop( engine PHP Yii). The shop is open since 2010, and will appeal to anyone who is even slightly interested in computer games.
Engine slopes digiseller partially yii.
Right now you need to fix a few bugs and to transfer the website entirely on the yii framework(the engine used, but the previous programmer just disappeared without any words, so looking for a new).

I want to find someone who can devote 1-4 hours per day to our project. It is desirable to have Skype, for quick communication, because in the correspondence is lost precious time. Not to jump in over my head, just specify that hourly rate above 500 rubles per hour of material and will not be able to pull.
Thanks in advance to everyone who responds and wants to work with our cosy project.
16.03.2016 12:31

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