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Prestashop. Revision, correction.

1) Test your site in all browsers and on all screen resolutions.

a. squares instead of Cyrillic in the old Opera house

b. squares instead of the Ukrainian "I" or "*" in the standard browser Android 4.4

V. to determine the cause of the high rate of failure reports from Google Analytics in some browsers.

2) to Make changes

and. by 1.a, 1B, 1C

b. to correct layout according to the TOR.

Working only in the safe.

Possible long-term cooperation, there is other work on the project.

The performer has to be confident online without disappearance. The preferred mode, when you select half-day, and we are working closely on a fix all found flaws. Price is negotiable, in the loser will not leave.

Studio please do not disturb.

Thank you for your attention.

16.03.2016 12:38

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