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Receive and transfer data to CRM Bitrix24

Retrieving data from Bitrix.
1. In transactions/leads there is a field "realtor". If there is a new lead / deal with a filled field - transfer data about this lead with a webhook with all the filled fields.

2. If the "realtor" field is filled in the transaction / lead , transfer data on the change in the status of the funnel with a webhook. id new status.

3. If the "budget" field was filled in the lead/transaction – send the data with the webhook id amount from the field.

If you can immediately transfer all this to google the Table with leads / deals uploaded and add / update the field with the transaction - it will be ideal.

Data transfer to Bitrix24.
4. We will send data about the new lead/deal http request with data: several fields for CRM. Your task is to add a lead/deal to crm using the data from our request. If the lead/deal is repeated, add information to the existing lead/re-contact deal, and return the http/webhook to us with the information that it is a duplicate.

When the lead/deal is created , return the data to us along the path of item 1
17.10.2022 21:38

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