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Replace the search button with a search for a free window for manicure masters

There is a ready-made bot on the topic of manicure, you need to edit the search with the client and edit the personal account of the master. That is, it is the search logic that will change, and the emphasis will be placed on the search for a free window (as I understand, this is the main problem for clients). The master will be given the opportunity to make a convenient schedule for the week ahead with the ability to add / remove the window

The master in his personal account can also download a picture with a ready-made schedule, setting up free hours for a week ahead, and they seem to be superimposed on the ready-made template (which I will provide), and the master can download a picture with superimposed free windows. You can also edit the windows in your personal account, click confirm, or remove the window if the client refuses. Its just that the masters have their own publics, and they constantly redo and upload it all, and you need to organize the upload of pictures with a ready schedule.

You also need to add a field for adding a city for the client and the wizard, so that ads from a specific city are displayed in the search for a free window.
18.07.2022 20:04

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