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Social networking script WoWonder. Need to fix bugs

1) When I scroll feed page and seeing the video, the video automatically begins to play. It is very irritating to our users.
When you watch the tape someones video clip is playing, and you continue to scroll down, but the video stops and sound is heard.

2) When you press play on one video, then click play on another video or audio, then everything starts to play at the same time

3) for Example, after the characters "0)" is automatically replaced to a smiley face

4) Instead of ")." shows a smiley face Instead of the brackets shown smiley

5) When adding a post and if there is a video from YouTube for example, the text is not published, again, we have to edit the post and add text. Only then the text is published.

6) Some without permission add you to your group. To make a choice, like when you friend request.


these and other bugs need to fixed....
Need someone who has experience with the engine WoWonder Social Script.

01.08.2020 13:48

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