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The tuning of the integration of wordpress and robokassa

This page on the website with order forms. The site is up on worpress and hosted The company sells business trips (i.e. not a physical product, and service)
What to do: you Need to redo the application form on the payment form and configure integration with robokassa (with two accounts).
Optional – to customize the normal display of the page on mobile devices.

There are blocks with a "book now" button. Instead, it should appear in the "pay" button that leads to the form of payment ROBOKASSA. In this part of the payment should be carried out through a company with VAT, and some through the company without VAT. Tech support ROBOKASSA said that every company needs to be a separate account. Therefore, one landing page needs to be screwed on two accounts ROBOKASSA. Is it possible?

15.06.2020 12:33

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