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The turnkey website for information product configuring payment systems

Create a turnkey website for legal information product configuring payment systems

Peresada project, because last time I didn't understand.

The website should work as follows.

My client is a person or company that wants to open a business in Kazakhstan.

The customer visits the website of the law firm and sees that the site has prepared a legal opinion on interested issues;The website sells it to him a legal opinion, but first offers him to get his free demo version (cuts in legal opinion);The client will enter in a special form your email, click on the button "send a demo version of";The website automatically sends to specified e-mail links to download the free demo version;The client is exploring the demo version and if he likes her, applies for full paid version. Specifies your e-mail address and clicks "send";The site automatically sends email to the email account;The customer pays the bill through the online payment system;The website seeing that he paid, automatically sends him an email with links to the full version of the legal opinion.

Website requirements:

The website should be simple as

In Annex the content of the site.

16.03.2016 12:27

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