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To configure the integration Orders of the VC (functional products) to amoCRM

The terms of reference.

When ordering in the shopping cart in the group "throw off the Link selected by" creates a transaction in amoCRM.

Funnel - Funnel

Phase - Initial contact

The according Fields of the basket and VC fields amoCRM:

Address - in this field, contact, Address dostavlyaet phone - Contact phone Number (mobile)comment to the order - Note in Dalkeith - Transaction Budget

Product details should come in the field of transaction amoCRM Shoes in order in the following format:

Item name 1.
The price of the product 1.
The quantity of the goods 1.

The name of the product 2.
The price of the product 2.
The quantity of good 2.


If you want more information, write to the PM.

10.08.2020 19:49

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