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To configure Virtuemart 3 on Joomla 3

For someone who does Virtuemart work with a maximum of 1 hour.
On the website component is installed shop Virtuemart 3

The problem is that people could buy keys of games (pins) for the domestic currency Altauserpoint.

To bundles have everything you need purchased and installed on site!!!
1. The payment plugin bonuses
2. Plug-in sale file
It only needs a readjustment. I myself the first day I climbed into this component and therefore do not understand.
To set up a few demo products, payment points, to remove all the extra points and field when ordering.
to paint a text that made the points that I could be the one to set the next time.
It is advisable to install the template (theme) more enjoyable.
23.04.2020 11:43

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