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To run the forms application and the classifieds (the site on WP)

On a WP site, with mostly text content.
1. Sometimes moving out form fields of application. And also captcha is unsatisfactory, receive a lot of spam. To understand the form and put the Google captcha.
2. Also on the website there is a section "Bulletin Board" – in text format, without photo. It is necessary to make two podstranice "Sell" and "Donate". It is necessary to add to the form of the background field "Nearest metro station" (just a text box for self-driving, it is not necessary the drop down list or map). And also after sending the advertisement by the user on his e-mail should come code (password) to delete / edit this function is not yet working, we need to do. And we need to do to ads published not immediately, but only after approval by the moderator – on a given email. mail a moderator needs to come received announcement. To make the moderator by going to the admin area of the site can see incoming ads, edit them if necessary, to authorize the publication, and unfair to block (to make a "blacklist" phone numbers and/or e-mail). To put also the Google captcha with my credentials.

To provide a report on the work and future operational recommendations.

The deadline is 4 days.
04.04.2020 11:13

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