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Updating functionality of opencart: working with shopping cart orders

There is therefore, for wholesale customers, version 3.03.

You need to add the functionality of work orders in personal account:

viewing and editing orders:

change of status sakaasa: cancel, reserve, shipped, completed, etc. add/remove products in the previous orders (depends on order status) orders have on average 20-50 items, its possible youll have to tie some jquery grid or analogues.

the functionality for dropshiping:

whom, where to send, the amount neloski, waybill, etc checks the status of the waybill using the API NP

one word project for those who well knows opencart (Beck and front) and is able to solve non-standard tasks.


accurate TK the other day - while trying to find the actual specialist.

development will be on your server (copy website), access to your server to provide you cant.

08.06.2020 12:54

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