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Wordpress site improvement

The site is not based on elementor and other builders

A few improvements need to be made
1. Add a phone number, whatsapp and Telegram icons to the header of the site (there are icons, phone number and whatsaspp are displayed in the admin panel and telegram should be added to them)
2. In the header in the mobile version, slightly reduce the size of the logo and menu icon (so that there is room for phone, whatsapp, telegram icons)
3. Add a block with social networks to the footer:
4. In the mobile version, make a logo on the left in the basement, and social networks on the right
5. Add a through block with output to the admin panel: (the original is in figma). The button must have a hover animation (attached)

Indicate the price, the implementation period.
31.10.2024 20:03

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