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Write a telegram bot, pick it up by api to the service

Develop a telegram bot, with the following functionality:
Throw an exel file into it. There will be data of full name, inn, date of birth, snils, etc. Perhaps the order of the columns will change, so the program itself must determine by the header of the table, where the inn or full name is located, for example.
Next, each line goes to the service and returns back with the phone. Maybe the phone wont find then returns empty.
In the telegram bot there should be a menu, separately search by name etc, by passport data, by inn, by snils.
It turns out that we throw a file of 1000 lines, and click on the search by name etc and each line makes a request for api and enriches the table with phones. Or click the search by passport, the program finds a column with passport data and makes a request by API, by other routing and returns again the phone. And so every line. Also in the menu there should be a section checking limits, we click and we are returned the number of remaining limits, in the description of the api it is. And so every line. Description on api and example of table excels I attach.

10.12.2021 11:47

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