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Writing the sales text on the services page of the website

The task is to write a selling text for the 9th page of website with the service description.

If we work together, we will work on an ongoing basis - writing articles 2 times a month to rewrite the texts for key services (15-20 passages).

The subject site is industrial climbing, work at height, climbers (

Content requirements:

Need a structured, easy understandable and useful to the visitor the text. There is no "water".

The text should contain information about the service; information on the benefits of working with us (our advantages); a call to action – send a request or call to the Manager.

SEO requirements:

the uniqueness of 100% (on );the text size is 4000 characters;The sequence of keywords while making in the article is NOT changed. Between words you can insert such symbols: . , : -

For example, keywords for the page Device and the repair of the roof (

roof repair roof repair Kievroofingroof repairsroof repair Kievroofing the installation of the roofroof installation in Kievrates for roofing work industrial mountaineeringservices climbers

In your response include a link to your selling texts or perform a test task – at least half of the text, described above.

The cost of your work, please quote for 1000 characters without spaces.

16.03.2016 12:14

 Answers freelancers