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You need an expert to work with sites on Bitrix

To configure the import of goods in the catalogue so not to create duplicates

In the settings of the import of goods into the directory there is a template which is being imported. It (the template) is configured for the google spreadsheet with products. But the result of something with the import of goods began to create duplicates of products that were previously on the site. You need to configure the import so not to create duplicates of products.

The result: import does not create duplicates of product pages

To remove existing duplicates of goods

As previously described, when the import started to create duplicates. You need to remove duplicate product pages.

The result: there is no repetition of products in the catalog, all product pages - unique

To customize the display of articles

On the website in the section “Blog” was posted two articles. The Blog section is displayed on the main page, but when I try go to the page with the article for reading it gives 404 error. You need to correct the 404 error below when navigating to the page display of the article.

Result: the page works and articles you can read them

Configure the correct filtering of your product catalog

Because of the failure data in the table some data was not imported correctly. For example: in the column Voltage are the data Capacity. To fix this re-importing had already correctly completed table is not always possible. If the cell was written 2300 mah and the data was changed to 2.3 V in the end all will be well. But if the data is 2300 just to erase from the cell and import a blank cell - the site will still be 2300, because previously there was written 2300

The result: the filters are the right data - in the filter Voltage are data voltages, filter capacity - capacity data, the filter size - the size etc

To do so, to display the desired robots.txt

The site was configured generated robots.txt which is not quite correct. Had written a new robots were produced customize robots and was uploaded a document in the files needed. But if you view what robots displayed - displays the one that was initially configured (generated). You need to do to display robots, which was written by hand (located in settings)

The result: when you move to displays robots, which is located in the settings

Configure the visibility of all the essential characteristics of the goods

In the item card does not display all characteristics. You need to do to display all settings

The result: on the product page shows all of its features - size, capacity, voltage etc

To set up 301 redirects from the pages which give 404 error on a working page. The result: the site has no broken links

To customize the display of prices in the basket

When you add a product to cart in the cart is displayed is not the price, which is adjusted on the goods and values that have nothing to do with the right price

The result: prices in the cart match the prices in the catalog

Configure add to cart

If you go to the site from desktop browser and try to add product to cart, when you add will give:

“Error adding product to cart

20.07.2020 11:28

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