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You need to write, find images and publish 20 articles

You need to write 20 articles for a content plan.

For each article we select the theme of the picture.

Published on WordPress on the specified requirements.

The total budget of 6,000 rubles (payment in WMR).

For the first time possible incentive payment (300 p./article).

Requirements to the articles:

100% literacy and 100% uniquenessThe ability to create USEFUL content and not mass consumption rewriteThe ability to balance on the edge of SEO and readability. Perespa and articles, "Moscow skates to buy" is unacceptable.Experience with WordpressExperience in Photoshop (pictures brendiruyutsya company logo)Basic knowledge about web design and web development

As a test assignment is required to write a page of A4 on the topic of selling triggers landing page.

Also, please attach 3 of your best work.

Applicants who will not be put to the test job letter and examples of work will NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Waiting for the application in the mail:


16.03.2016 12:23

 Answers freelancers